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Shikakai, known by the vernacular names Shika in Tamil, Seekaaya in Telugu and Soap pod in English is a potent ayurvedic remedy for healthy, long hair.

This traditional herb which goes by the scientific name Acacia concinna is a climbing shrub with oblong-shaped pods of dark brown colour, bipinnate leaves and pink flowers. It is mostly found in the tropical forests of the Indian subcontinent.

Commonly termed as the ‘hair-fruit’, it promotes hair growth, reduces hair fall, controls dandruff and relieves skin ailments. From the ancient time, these soap pods being natural surfactant are being used for cleansing the scalp, strengthening the hair from roots, providing relief from scaling and also removing itching, dryness, greasiness and scaling of the scalp.

Ayurvedic scriptures of Rah Nighantu characterizes Shikakai having Tikta Rasa (i.e. bitter taste), Shita Virya (i.e. cold potency) and Katu Vipaka (i.e. pungent after digestion). It also shows Laghu Guna (i.e. light to digest) and increases the Vata Doshas.

Apart from being a magical remedy for hair, ayurveda vouches for its usefulness in treating a host of ailments including swelling. Abdominal distension, jaundice, fever, skin problems, piles, ascites, herpes, intestinal worm infestation etc.




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